Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival 9th Edition / 27-30 june 2024

PSSFF 2024


Submissions for the 9th edition of the Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival are open. The PSSFF is the first french festival for films inspired by surfing and skateboarding.

Submit your film before May 31st 2024 at
PNG - 12.7 KiB
Registration fees.

Entry Rules

Awards will be handed by a jury made of professionals (athletes, filmmakers, artists and more).

The jury will award the best documentary in surfing and skateboarding, as well as the best short film in surfing and skateboarding.


  • The cinematographic nature of the submited films prevails, as well as the independent aspect of the productions.
  • There is no restriction on duration, genres or formats.
  • New releases are prefered, but older productions can be selected based on their interest and themes.
  • Long feature and documentary films available for free on the internet will not be considered.

Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival 9th Edition / 27-30 june 2024

La Gaîté Lyrique · Paris 3e

La Gaîté Lyrique

Attend the PSSFF

Séances programmées dans l’auditorium

Tarif plein 9€
Tarif réduit 6€ (Minimas sociaux, étudiant.e.s, 12-26 ans)
Tarif pass 3 films 21€ (7€ le film) : billetterie sur

Programmation OFF

Expositions, rencontres, projection de vidéos, soirées
Accès libre dans la limite des places disponibles

La Gaîté Lyrique
3bis rue Papin, Paris 3e
Informations : 01 84 74 49 00