Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival 10th Edition / 12–15 june 2025

PSSFF 2024

You can support the PSSFF at any time by becoming a member of our association, by volunteering or making a donation.


Becoming a member allows you to support the festival and benefit offers (invitations to screening, VIP access to parties, etc.)
The fee (10 euros) is payable per check to the association who is in charge of organising the festival : Outside Diffusion


Contact us if you want to know how to help us through volunteering.


You can support the association through donations and benefit of a strong visibility on a major cultural event and get a tax deduction. In regard to the August, 1st 2003 law (french law), 60% of your donation (financial or in nature, valorised) is deductable from your corporate tax.


Please send your infos and a check to Civilians c/o Outside Diffusion – 3-5 impasse du 49 rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine 75010 Paris

Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival 10th Edition / 12–15 june 2025

La Gaîté Lyrique · Paris 3e